Thursday, October 12, 2006

Mind to us humans is as microprocessor for PC. It executes instructions which
are assigned to it.Mind is massively multi-threaded system. Multi-tasking and
multi-processing are natural to it. There innumerable i/o devices in our body
Five sensory organs are just few of them. There are sensors which detect those
signals opaque to major five organs.
All i/o 's function according to a scheduler. CPU burst and I/O burst has little
significance as system is massively multi-processing. But heavy duty by i/o reduces
concurrent CPU efficiency.
There is one massively multi-tasking module that acts as scheduler. This module
make mind process signals got by i/o in a sensible manner. It provides mind the
intelligence, the smart working nature.
Practically all cpu's are same in terms of processing power. The scheduler efficiency
determines system's efficiency.

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